
Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Pay no attention to the date above this sentence; this update was posted 11-30-4.

11-30: Unfortunately, Amazon.com has turned out not to be a viable option: my production costs with the current vendor are too high. It's kind of complicated, so I'm not going to go into it. Suffice to say, I'm actively searching alternate means of publishing- not only for Amazon, but also because I'd like to make the book cheaper to produce (and purchase) as well.

Previous Update: Hey again. Just got the first run with the spankin' new barcodes. Which means, hopefully, that I'll be able to put an Amazon link up here soon.

Previous Update: Okay, I've got good news and bad news. The good news is: I've also gone through the book and made numerous corrections, updates, and additions based on feedback I've recieved. The bad news? This has increased the book's length by enough pages that my vendor is unable to bind it with the methods we've been using up 'till now (ie, two staples through the cover). That means I have to go with another kind of binding, and I've opted for the kind you'd find on mainstream-published books in bookstores (a nice, flat spine with the title running along it). Where's the bad news, you ask? Well, the new binding means the production costs have gone up a bit, and A Brief guide for the High School Moviemaker has increased in price. Granted, I still think this is a pretty good deal- but if we ever get a major publishing deal, the first thing I'm doing is knocking the cost down. Oh, and there is some more good news, just to even it out: The book rocks, possibly even more than before. Just thought I'd let you know. : D

Previously: I've just registered for an ISBN number, so we should be ready for the next steps in a week or so. Of course, 10 business days from a Friday straddles two weekends, so maybe a bit longer. :D But that's cool.

What is this next step for, do you ask.. ? Bwahahaha!
*ahem* Not too much, actually, it just has to do with online publishing from additional venues. So hopefully we'll soon be bringing you more ways to enjoy HighSchool Moviemaker.

Anyway, I'm going to get some downloadable content up here soon.


For those new to the site, welcome! We're pretty informal here.

Questions about the book?

Basically, I wrote it because I feel like many teens have everything they need to make a movie and don't even know it. It's what I did for fun in highschool, and eventually got me into college (I've just graduated this past January). Thus far, we're operating mainly by word-of-mouth: if you like the book, please tell your friends. If you don't like it, send me an e-mail, so I can make the next version better.

Come to think of it, feel free to send me an e-mail in any event, but especially for suggestions (or questions) about the text. The address, again, is "CheshireMarmoset@hotmail.com"

FYI, when I finish the next update to the book (something that's several months away, at the moment), I'll be sure to make any of the new stuff available to people who already own a copy.

Also, I'm looking in to getting new message board forums. The current ones are kind of cruddy, and I think their ads are obnoxious.

Anway, send e-mails! I'd love to hear what I'm doing right, or doing wrong. : )

Note: The message boards have been taken down; I wasn't pleased with the current service provider. New ones will be up in the future.

Monday, November 24, 2003

Jan 8th: It's update time once again. Hopefully, the book will soon be available through a number of other venues, but for the moment, we're still just supplying it through CafePress. If you're a school or media organization, however, I can get a better group discount if you contact me directly.

The next edition will mostly be about re-organization of the existing chapters. If any new material's added, I'll be sure to make it available as a free download, so those of you with the current editions won't have to buy a new copy.

Nov. 24th: I highly advise our readers to go to the Listen Up! website. Right now I'm reading through the latest edition of their Groovy Youth Media Sourcebook- it's fabulous stuff. If you're part of any sort of youth media organization, or just generally interested in how to have a voice in the world, check them out.

And on a purely envious note, they've got some great movies posted- a feat this site is still aspiring to. I'm still trying to figure out what's the best way to go as far as web-space and hosting.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Wow, I need to get in gear and make this page pretty.
Check out the new link to Global Action Project! They're an organization that promotes all sorts of youth media, both here and abroad.

I'll start a "movies" section for user-submitted films soon. Depending on the bandwidth costs, we may just have to set it up as links.

Still no one on the message boards, which I don't understand. So far, we've got orders from five different states.

Monday, November 17, 2003

Will be updating the links later today. I've been looking into alternate publishing (Xirlink's library of 25k vendors, including Amazon.com, is tempting), but so far, Cafepress is still the cheapest. The lowest I'd be able to make the book available for through a normal "print on demand" site is about $15, which I think is waaay too high.

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